20 cage rattling facts about Communication
The average person spends approximately 70% of their time communicating with others. Here are some interesting points to consider. Some of them may influence the way you might present ideas and influence others.
How we spend our time
16% of it is spent reading
9% writing in some manner
Talking occupies 30% of our time
Listening approximately 45% of our time
we speak at 150 words per minute
we can process 600 words per minute
The average student has an attention span of about 10 seconds
Adults only slightly better at 17 seconds
We listen with our eyes
We receive 55% of the message from body language
38% from the voice
approximately 7% from the words
Ways of forgetting
25% is forgotten immediately
75% is forgotten within 2 months
of the 25% remembered – only 60% will be accurate
Ways of remembering
we remember best what we hear first and last
we remember what we hear most frequently
impact helps remembering
unless the “right hemisphere of the brain is engaged there is little chance of information going into long term memory
we remember that which we have the greatest application for