In continuation from my last post thought I’d talk a little bit about the importance of extending your approach to recognition and reward to include the remote team members.
It’s all too easy to assume that because you haven’t heard anything that everything is OK but don’t make the mistake of forgetting that although there are many, many benefits to remote working it can be a lonely place.
Regular appraisal of your remote workers efforts and recognition for their effort and success are critical to the management development of the team.
Here’s 9 very simple ideas to help you, not all of them are cheap but with a little imagination it’s amazing what you can achieve. If you would like more ideas please get in touch with us via or on 01903 778977
1. How about buying some really great postcards and sending one out occasionally – either just as (in the words off Royal Mail) “I saw this and thought of you” or to recognise a specific effort, or achievement.
2. Or if sending email then find something great to send – a quote (loads of great quote websites around) or a cartoon (I think dilbert is great!) or an interesting article or fact or website link?
3. How about printing up and sending vouchers that say something like THIS VOUCHER IS IN RECOGNITION OF…..and ENTITLES YOU TO FINISH WORK AT LUNCHTIME ONE DAY OF YOUR CHOICE NEXT WEEK (or other rewards that will be valued by the individual people – and for this I’d suggest asking them what would be great for them!).
4. Send a great poster that can be put up somewhere everyone will see it.
5. Make use of “community pages” on company intranet or internet. Have a newsletter.
6. Remember birthdays and send a card. Know when someone has been unwell and contact them on their return, know when someone has been absent with a sick child or relative, or attending a funeral, and ask them how they are doing on their return. Remote geographically doesn’t have to mean not involved, aware or interested in workers lives.
7. Do the things that would happen if the team worked in the same place – flowers when a baby is born, a gift if getting married etc.
8. Get people together sometimes – this depends on budget but if possible pay the costs and if the geographical spread is far, invite partners along, put on an evening do and pay for or subsidise accommodation?
9. Give people a voucher to take themselves and a partner or guest out for dinner at a restaurant local to them – their own “Christmas Do” (or alternative celebration) perhaps?
For more detailed information about these ideas and how to build high performing teams contact us at or telephone Conrad or Suzanne Potts on +44 (0)1903 778977
9 Cheap Ways to Motivate & Reward Remote Teams
January 19, 2012
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